Traffic Control Devices
444.01   Installation and maintenance by Public Works Director.
444.02   Installation prior to enforcement at specified locations.
444.03   Operating signals.
444.04   Marked lanes.
444.99   Penalty.
   Power to designate through highways, stop intersections and yield right-of-way intersections - see IVC §§ 5/11-208(a)(6), 5/11-302
   Signs giving notice of traffic regulations - see IVC § 5/11-208(b)
   Local traffic control devices - see IVC § 5/11-304
   Obedience to and required traffic control devices - see IVC § 5/11-305
   Vehicle entering stop or yield intersection - see IVC § 5/11-904
   Streets requiring railroad crossing signals - see B.R. & T. 856.04