The Illinois Vehicle Code, as adopted in Section 420.01, is hereby amended as follows:
   5/1-101. Definition of words and phrases
      § 5/1-104. Arterial street (amended). Any street, or part of a street, at which vehicles are required to stop before entering.
      § 5/1-115.1.2. Double park (added). To stand a vehicle on the roadway side of a vehicle stopped at the edge of a street.
      § 5/1-117.1. Emergency vehicle (added). Vehicles of the Police Department or the Fire Department, ambulances and vehicles carrying a public official or a public utility officer or employee in response to an emergency call.
      § 5/1-139.1.2. Loading zone (added). The space adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of standing vehicles only.
      § 5/1-154.3. Overtaking (added). To come even with and go past a vehicle traveling in the same direction.
      § 5/1-156. Park or parking (amended). To stop a vehicle for a period of time greater than is reasonably necessary for the actual loading or unloading of persons or property, otherwise than in response to a traffic control device or direction.
      § 5/1-157.1. Passing (added). To meet and go past a vehicle traveling from the opposite direction.
      § 5/1-165.1. Property line (added). The boundary between any street and the property abutting thereon.
      § 5/1-194.    Stand or standing (amended). The stopping of a vehicle only while actually engaged in loading or unloading passengers or property.
      § 5/1-207.1. Traffic control devices (added). All signs, signals, markings and devices, placed by authority of a public body or official, or railroad, for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic.