(a)   The Executive Director of Water and Sewer shall be the official primarily responsible for the enforcement of this chapter. The Executive Director of Water and Sewer shall serve notice of a violation of this chapter on an owner, or his or her authorized agent, or on a tenant, architect, builder, contractor or other person who commits or participates in any violation. The Executive Director of Water and Sewer may request the City Legal Counsel to institute legal proceedings necessary to enforce this chapter or prevent or remedy any violations thereof. He or she may also request the assistance of the Police Department in enforcing this chapter.
   (b)   In the event, any person holding an approved permit pursuant to the design manual violates the terms of such approval, or carries on site development in such a manner as to materially, adversely affect health, welfare, safety of the public, or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, the City may suspend or revoke approved construction activity including, but not limited to: building permits, grading activity, road construction, or other construction related activities until such time that the approved permit is satisfactorily implemented and/or maintained.
   (c)   Violation of an approved plan shall be by a written stop-work order issued by the City and delivered to the permittee or his/her agent or the person performing the work. The stop- work order shall be effective immediately, shall state the specific violations cited, and shall state the conditions under which work may be resumed.
   (d)   All appeals of Executive Director of Water and Sewer’s decisions regarding the interpretation of this chapter shall be heard firstly at the regular meeting of the City Council, advance notification shall be required to be placed on the agenda prior to public notification.
(Ord. 2008-45. Passed 9-2-08; Ord. 2017-47. Passed 6-5-17.)