(a)   Drainage improvements meeting the permit requirements outlined in the design manual shall be inspected by the designer during and after construction, at the expense of the property owner/developer. Details on the inspection requirements are outlined in the design manual, Part 7.4 and 7.5.
   (b)   General site grading shall not begin until the Executive Director of Water and Sewer has certified in writing to the applicant that any necessary detention facilities are in place and operational. The Executive Director of Water and Sewer or his representative will also conduct periodic inspections of the work in progress to be certain that the drainage system is being built as designed, in addition to the property owner's inspector. If any violations of the provisions or requirements of design manual are noted during such inspections, the City shall notify the property owner or his designee in writing of the items needing correction. The property owner shall have ten calendar days to make such corrections unless given a specific extension of time in writing by the City.
   (c)   Failure to complete such corrections within the specified time period shall constitute a violation of the design manual and this chapter.
   (d)   All privately owned drainage systems may be inspected by a representative of the City not less often than once per year. A written report may be filed of the results of any inspection and a copy sent to the property owner detailing any problems which need correction.
(Ord. 2008-45. Passed 9-2-08; Ord. 2017-47. Passed 6-5-17.)