(a)   Community Development Director as Building Commissioner. The Community Development Director or his or her designee as from time to time may be appropriate shall be the Building Commissioner.
   (b)   Duties.
      (1)   The Building Commissioner shall administer the provisions of this Building and Housing Code with reference to inspection, permits, registration and enforcement and shall perform all other executive duties provided for in this Building and Housing Code except for matters reserved to the Building Commission.
      (2)   The Building Commissioner shall issue permits, supervise inspections and implement necessary litigation proceedings.
      (3)   The Building Commissioner shall supervise all matters relating to building and housing administration and to the enforcement of building standards, including the authority to institute necessary litigation proceedings.
      (4)   The Building Commissioner shall establish, administer and enforce regulations for sanitary welfare.
      (5)   The Building Commissioner shall prevent and abate public or private nuisances on either private or public property.
      (6)   The Building Commissioner, or his or her designated agent, shall make inspections and perform such duties as may be required of him or her, from time to time, by the City Manager, the Public Works Director, the Fire Chief or the Police Chief, and perform such other duties as may be required by ordinance, regulation or any contracts executed by the City pursuant to Chapter 1060 of the Streets, Utilities and Public Services Code.
      (7)   The Building Commissioner, or his or her designated agent, may, at any reasonable time, enter any house, store, restaurant, warehouse, business, building or property to make examination and check for compliance with all ordinances and rules and regulations under the Community Development Director's jurisdiction.
      (8)   The Building Commissioner shall inspect any public or private nuisance and determine the best and most economical method by which it may be abated or removed. He or she shall then serve, in person or by mail, or by posting on the premises of the owner, occupant or agent, if such person is unknown, written notice providing notice of such action and directions for abatement or removal in the most economical and sanitary manner. No owner, occupant or agent shall refuse or neglect to strictly comply with any and all requirements or directions in such notice.
      (9)   The Building Commissioner shall not be a member of the Police Department but shall have power to issue citations for violation of any ordinance or law relating to public health or environmental protection, in the same manner as police officers.
      (10)   Maintain a record of any payments or cash receipts, issue receipts for all payments or cash received, turn over all payments or cash received to the Finance Director or his or her designee daily and make a monthly report to the City Manager of permits issued by his or her office and of payments or cash received and disbursed.
      (11)   Inspection duties. The Building Commissioner, or his or her designated agent, shall make inspections and perform such duties as may be required of him or her, from time to time, by the City Manager, the Public Works Director, the Fire Chief or the Police Chief, and perform such other duties as may be required by ordinance, regulation or any contracts executed by the City pursuant to Chapter 1060 of the Streets, Utilities and Public Services Code.
      (12)   Violations of orders. No person shall violate any lawful order of the Community Development Director, nor disturb, mutilate or conceal any sign or notice posted by authority of the Community Development Director, without authority to do so.
      (13)   Reports. The Building Commissioner shall make monthly reports to the City Manager regarding all matters under the Community and Economic Development Director's jurisdiction, of all work performed and of possible suggested changes to be made to Chapter 1060 of the Streets, Utilities and Public Services Code.
   (c)   Signing and Issuing of Notices, Permits and Certificates; Records. The Building Commissioner shall sign and issue all notices, permits and certificates, pass upon and approve plans and surveys and keep a record of all notices issued, applications received, permits and registrations granted and violations of this Building and Housing Code.
(1977 Code §§ 6-807 to 6-809; Ord. 94-81. Passed 9-19-94; Ord. 2013-10. Passed 3-4-13; Ord. 2013-47. Passed 10-7-13; Ord. 2017-56. Passed 7-17-17; Ord. 2018-52. Passed 11-5-18.)