(a)   Court Order. When any person shall have been convicted of any violation of this chapter or any rule or regulation established by the Community Development Director, the court before which such conviction is entered may order the defendant to abate and remove such violation within such time as may be specified by order of such court.
   (b)   Abatement by Community and Economic Development Director. Whenever any person, having been found guilty of any violation of this chapter or any rule or regulation established by the Community and Economic Development Director, shall fail to abate or remove the same as provided in subsection (a) hereof, the Community and Economic Development Director shall proceed, with due care and without any unnecessary destruction of property, to remove or abate such violation, to keep an accurate account of all expenses incurred in such abatement, and to report the same to the City Legal Counsel for filing and recording a lien against the subject property.
   (c)   Liability for Costs. In addition to the penalty provided in Section 1063.99 , any person found guilty of any violation of this chapter or any rule or regulation of the Community Development Director, and ordered to abate such violation, shall be liable for all costs and expenses of such abatement.
(Ord. 98-18. Passed 3-16-98; Ord. 2017-56. Passed 7-17-17.)