(a)   Authority of Public Works Director. The Public Works Director shall have authority over the Municipal Landfill operation. The Finance Director shall keep complete records of all Landfill operations. The Public Works Director will keep all records of all inspections, reports, fines, surveys and recommendations relating thereto. The Public Works Director shall make regular reports to the City Manager on the Landfill and related activities.
   (b)   License Fees.
      (1)   All solid waste collectors operating outside the City but within Stephenson County who desire to utilize the Transfer Station, or operating within the geographical confines of the City, shall annually pay a fee to the Finance Director or his or her designee and obtain approval for a license to operate from the Community and Economic Development Director. Such fee shall annually be due by January 1 of each year. The application for such a license shall include such information, requirements and stipulations as required by a regulation approved by the City Council. The fee for licenses shall be set at one hundred dollars ($100.00) for the year beginning February 1, 2020, and may be altered thereafter by regulation approved by the City Council.
      (2)   All commercial and industrial generators of commercial solid waste who do not hire a solid waste collector to pick up commercial solid waste, but who generate solid waste in any quantity outside the City and within Stephenson County, and who desire to use the Transfer Station, shall secure a license and pay the fee provided for in paragraph (b)(1) hereof as if they were solid waste collectors.
(1977 Code §§ 30-501 to 30-505; Ord. 90-51. Passed 6-18-90; Ord. 91-9. Passed 3-18-91; Ord. 91-16. Passed 5-6-91; Ord. 94-97. Passed 11-7-94; Ord. 97-21. Passed 7-21-97; Ord. 98-27. Passed 6-1-98; Ord. 2017-56. Passed 7-17-17; Ord. 2020-05. Passed 2-3-20.)