(a)   Designation of Establishments Required to Provide Containers. Institutional, commercial, business or industrial establishments, apartment buildings of greater than six (6) units and mobile home parks not included in the residential household waste collection program, which produce solid waste within the corporate limits of the City, shall provide sufficient and adequate bulk waste containers for the storage of all solid waste produced by such establishments. The use of residential toters shall not be allowed on any property subject to this section. Provided, the Community Development Director may, in his or her discretion, allow residential toters to be utilized for apartment complexes which exist and are used as multi-family housing as of November 1, 2021, and which do not have on-site parking spaces or adequate side or rear yards to accommodate a dumpster.
   (b)   Requirements for Bulk Waste Containers. When bulk containers are provided by private firms, the name and telephone number of the firm shall be printed on the side. All containers shall be waterproof, leakproof and covered at all times subsequent to depositing waste therein or removing the contents thereof.
   (c)   Use of Containers. It shall be the responsibility of the owner, operator or manager of the establishment to see that the waste containers are maintained in a sanitary condition. It shall be unlawful for any person, other than the owner, the occupant of the premises served by the waste container or other authorized user, to deposit or cause to be deposited therein any article whatsoever.
(Ord. 94-2. Passed 2-21-94; Ord. 2021-41. Passed 11-1-21.)