Rates and charges for water supplied by the water plant and system of the City are hereby established as follows:
   (a)   For all water furnished for any purpose not hereinafter specifically mentioned, to all residential, commercial, industrial and other establishments located within the corporate limits of the City, meter rates shall be charged according to the following schedule:
      (1)   The monthly service charge for metered water shall be:
Meter Size (in)
Meter Size (in)
      (2)   In addition to the monthly service charge set forth in paragraph (a)(1) hereof, the rate per one gallon per month for residential, commercial, public, and industrial class users shall be as shown below:
FY 2017-2018
All customers
   (b)   Meters shall be read and bills rendered in even units of one gallon increments for meters up to and including two inch. Meters sizes greater than two inch shall be read and bills rendered in even units of ten gallon units.
   (c)   For all water furnished, for any purpose not hereinafter specifically mentioned, to all residential, commercial, public, industrial and other establishments located outside the corporate limits of the City, the monthly service charge and meter rates shall be 1.5 times the costs for inside the corporate limits.
   (d)   The monthly service charge for water furnished for private fire protection service shall be as follows:
Connection Size (inches)
   Any water usage for private fire protection service shall be charged at the applicable rates for commercial, public and industrial classes.
   (e)   Rates for capital improvements will be in addition to those set out in this chapter and shall be in accordance with Chapter 1052 of these Codified Ordinances.
   (f)   The Freeport Park District shall be exempt from these rates pursuant to separate consideration through an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City.
   (g)   The City of Freeport shall be exempt from these rates.
   (h)   Consumer Price Index Adjustment (CPI). On September 1, 2016 and then on the following May 1st of each subsequent year and upon the approval of the City Manager with notification to the Freeport City Council, the water system monthly service charge and the per unit volume charge for all rate customers as set forth in subsection (a) above shall be adjusted by using the most recent CPI as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) using the 'Water and Sewerage Maintenance' index, but in no event shall the said adjustment exceed five percent in any single twelve month period beginning on or after May 2, 2017.
(Ord. 95-12. Passed 4-3-95; Ord. 2002-13. Passed 4-1-02; Ord. 2007-35. Passed 5-7-07; Ord. 2009-46. Passed 7-6-09; Ord. 2012-07. Passed 2-6-12; Ord. 2012-28. Passed 5-7-12; Ord. 2016-41. Passed 8-1-16; Ord. 2017-13. Passed 3-6-17; Ord. 2017-14. Passed 3-6-17; Ord. 2021-29. Passed 8-2-21; Ord. 2022-21. Passed 5-16-22.)