Every person required to procure a license, or a renewal of a license, shall submit an application therefor. The application shall:
   (a)   Be written and verified upon forms provided by the City.
   (b)   Disclose all information required by Section 802.14 and any other information which the License Officer shall find to be reasonably necessary.
   (c)   Be accompanied by the full amount of the license fee.
   (d)   Disclose the full name and address of the applicant; if a corporation, the names and addresses of the president, secretary and treasurer of the corporation; and if a co-partnership, the names and addresses of all the partners.
   (e)   Disclose the length of residence in the City of each person named in the application and if any such person is not a resident of the City for at least five years immediately preceding the date of application, the place of residence of such person during such five years. If any person named in the application is a nonresident of the City, or the period of residence is less than five years, letters of recommendation for such person by at least two reputable and responsible acquaintances, vouching for his or her honesty, integrity and good moral character, shall accompany the application.
   (f)   Disclose the name under which the business will be operated.
   (g)   Disclose the street address of the place of business.
(1977 Code § 9-110)