(a)   No person shall, directly or indirectly, sell, give, distribute samples of, furnish or deliver any cigar, cigarette, smokeless tobacco nor any other tobacco accessory, tobacco products or electronic nicotine delivery device in any form to any person under twenty-one years of age, or buy the same for any such person.
   (b)   For the purposes of this section, "tobacco accessory", "tobacco products", and "electronic nicotine delivery device" shall have the meaning ascribed to said term in Section 874.02 of these Codified Ordinances.
   (c)   No person, with or without a retail tobacco dealer's license, shall locate, install, keep, maintain or use, or permit the location, installation, keeping, maintenance or use of, upon his or her premises, any vending machine, automatic vending machine, coin-controlled or coin-operating machine or other mechanical device used or intended to be used for the sale or distribution of cigarettes or other tobacco products anywhere within the City, except as follows:
      (1)   Premises where access is limited to members of a bona fide private club or organization and their guests;
      (2)   That portion of a building or structure which is permitted as a licensed premises for the sale, at retail, of alcoholic liquor and the consumption of alcoholic liquor on the licensed premises as provided in Chapter 806 of these Codified Ordinances; or
      (3)   Premises of a business, factory or other private entity where access is limited to employees only.
(1977 Code §40-104; Ord. 91-78. Passed 10-21-91; Ord. 91-85. Passed 11-18-91; Ord. 2019-32. Passed 6-3-19.)