The plaintiff may, with leave of the court, file interrogatories in writing concerning matters material to the allegations of the complaint or with respect to the ownership of the property upon which it is claimed the nuisance is maintained. A full answer to each interrogatory under oath by the defendant shall be filed with the Clerk within ten days after a copy of the interrogatories has been served upon him or her. For failure to so answer interrogatories, the court may strike the answer to the complaint from the files and enter an order of default and final judgment. A rule to answer interrogatories may be entered and the court may punish a defendant for contempt of court for refusal to obey such rule. No person shall be excused from answering interrogatories under oath on the grounds that an answer may tend to incriminate him or her or subject him or her to a penalty or forfeiture. The answer shall be evidence against, but not on behalf of, the defendant. Evidence derived from the answer shall not be used against the defendant in any criminal proceeding other than as rebuttal evidence to testimony given by the defendant, or in a case for perjury.
(Ord. 95-4. Passed 9-18-95.)