Officers shall receive such salaries as may be provided from time to time by Council in the annual appropriation ordinance, or otherwise. Compensation of elected officers, after the same has been once fixed, shall not be increased or diminished, to take effect during the term for which any such officer was elected. Every officer shall make, and return to the City Manager, a semi-annual report, verified by affidavit, of all fees and emoluments received by him or her. Salaries shall be paid once a month, except in the case of the Mayor and the City Clerk, which officers shall be paid bi-weekly in accordance with Chapter 290 of this Administration Code. Pay shall be pro-rated to ensure that all payments are in accordance with the salary ordinances of the City and that payments do not exceed the yearly salary of each official. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to bring such officers under the purview of Chapter 290 for any other purpose.
(Ord. 99-26. Passed 5-17-99; Ord. 2017-56. Passed 7-17-17; Ord. 2018-67. Passed 12-17-18.)