At its initial meeting, the members of the Board of Directors of the Freeport/Stephenson County Convention and Visitors Bureau shall draw lots in order to assign each member to a one, two or three-year term of office on the Board of Directors. Three members of the Board of Directors shall be assigned to each of the terms of office. Except as noted below for vacancies occurring during the term of office, all new appointments or reappointments after the initial appointments creating the Board of Directors shall be for a full term of three years only. An appointment made to fill a vacancy on the Board of Directors shall be made in the same manner as the original appointment. A person appointed to fill a vacancy occurring during a term of office shall serve only for the unexpired portion of that term of office.
(1977 Code § 31-204; Ord. 90-4. Passed 2-5-90; Ord. 2004-52. Passed 9-7-04.)