Upon receipt of the petition and the questionnaire, the Community and Economic Development Director shall review the request and documents for conformance to legal requirements. The Community and Economic Development Director shall also notify the following City officials of a staff meeting to review the petition and the questionnaire: the City Manager, the Utility Superintendent, the Public Works Director, and the City Legal Counsel. These officials shall be known as the Annexation Staff Review Committee. This Committee shall also review the provisions of any pre-annexation agreement if such agreement is requested by the applicant. The Community and Economic Development Director or the Annexation Staff Review Committee may require such additional and further information from the applicant as he, she or they deem necessary in his, her or their sole discretion. The Community and Economic Development Director shall submit a written report of the conclusions and recommendations of this staff review meeting to the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 94-80. Passed 9-19-94; Ord. 2017-56. Passed 7-17-17; Ord. 2023-39. Passed 8-21-23.)