The City Clerk shall keep two copies of these Codified Ordinances. Such copies shall be preserved by the City Clerk in a book or binder in loose-leaf form, or in such other form as the City Clerk may consider most expedient, so that all amendments thereto and all general ordinances hereafter passed may be inserted in their appropriate places in such volumes, and all sections of these Codified Ordinances repealed from time to time may be extracted therefrom for the purpose of maintaining such two copies in such condition that they will show all general ordinances passed up to date at any time in such manner that ready reference may be had thereto.
   In determining whether or not an ordinance hereafter passed, or any part thereof, shall be inserted in such volumes, and in determining the form, chapter or section in which it shall be inserted, and in determining what shall be taken out, if any doubt arises, the City Clerk shall be guided by the advice of the City Legal Counsel.
(Ord. 2017-56. Passed 7-17-17.)