(A) The term IMPROPER CONDUCT means any actions as outlined below that would detract from the appropriate use of the boards/commissions/committee (B/C/C) member’s position for his or her personal advantage.
(B) Improper conduct includes, but is not limited to:
(1) Infrequent attendance. B/C/C members missing two or more scheduled meetings without notifying the B/C/C president in advance;
(2) Acceptance of gifts and favors. Acceptance of any pay or gift in excess of monetary value of $10, or compensation in the form of service loans or promises, from any individual or group directly or indirectly involved in business dealings with the town;
(3) Sabotage. Willful destruction of town property or willful thwarting of a Town Council policy;
(4) False statements. Making a false or malicious statement which harms or destroys the reputation, authority or official standing of any town official, employee or department;
(5) Malicious statements. Making false or malicious statement which harms or destroys the reputation, authority or official standing of any town official, employee or department;
(6) Falsification. The falsification of official records such as minutes of meetings or other B/C/C documents;
(7) Insubordination. Once consensus is achieved, or a vote is taken within the duly called B/C/C meeting, a member deliberately refuses to abide by that decision;
(8) Use of public property. Using, permitting the use of or unauthorized use of vehicles, equipment, materials or property belonging to the town for personal convenience of profit. The willful damage to or negligence in the care and handling of town property;
(9) Abusive conduct or threatening of B/C/C members or the public. Offensive or abusive conduct or language toward the public or another B/C/C member, or threatening, intimidating, coercing or interfering with any B/C/C member or the public at large;
(10) Theft. Theft, bribery or unauthorized use or possession of town property. This includes unauthorized use of town vehicles;
(11) Solicitation of public for money, goods or services. Solicitation of the public for money, goods or services not specifically authorized by the Town Council while in an official capacity as a B/C/C member;
(12) Return of town materials and B/C/C records. Failure to return all materials and supplies owned by the town, and all financial records and records of minutes that were part of the B/C/C members’ responsibility to the B/C/C president; and
(13) Conviction of felony. Conviction of a felony which in the Town Council’s judgment would render the person unfit to perform on that, or any other B/C/C.
(Ord. 05-002, passed 10-11-2005)