(A)   Timing of submissions. A preliminary forest conservation plan (“PFCP”) shall be submitted along with the forest stand delineation with the first of the following submitted for the site:
      (1)   A Phase II for a PUD or MXD;
      (2)   A residential cluster or co-housing concept plan;
      (3)   A preliminary subdivision plan;
      (4)   An application for a grading or sediment and erosion control permit; or
      (5)   A site plan.
   (B)   Required information, in general. The PFCP shall contain the following data:
      (1)   A map of the site drawn at the same scale as the grading, subdivision plan or site plan;
      (2)   A table of acreage calculations that shows required forest conservation and forestation, in the form of the worksheet provided in the technical manual, or as approved by the Department;
      (3)   A clear graphic indication of the forest conservation provided on the site, showing areas where retention of existing forest or forestation is planned;
      (4)   When applicable, a forestation plan prepared by a qualified professional, with a description of tree and/or shrub species, size, and spacing to be used;
      (5)   The planned limits of disturbance;
      (6)   The types of protective devices to be used; and
      (7)   Other information the Department determines is necessary to implement this chapter.
   (C)   Review period. The PFCP shall be reviewed concurrently by the Department with the review of a Phase II Plan for a PUD or MXD; a residential cluster or co-housing plan; preliminary subdivision plan or site plan; or grading or sediment and erosion control permit, whichever is applicable.
(Ord. 01-20-294, 9-25-2001; Ord. 10-26-561, 11-9-2010; Ord. 11-25-591, 10-27-2011; Ord. 14-23-678, 11-13-2014; Bill No. 17-17, 2-28-2018)