(A)   Qualifying projects. The cost of the following types of qualifying projects to existing buildings and structures, or new construction, on commercial property may be financed through the Clean Energy Loan Program:
      (1)   Energy and water efficiency projects;
      (2)   Renewable energy projects, including but not limited to solar energy equipment, geothermal energy devices, and wind energy systems;
      (3)   Environmental remediation projects, which means a project intended to remove environmental or health hazards, and including projects that promote indoor air and water quality, asbestos remediation, lead paint removal, and mold remediation;
      (4)   Resiliency projects, which means a project intended to increase the capacity of a property to withstand natural disasters and the effects of climate change including flood mitigation, stormwater management, a project to increase fire or wind resistance, a project to increase the capacity of a natural system, an inundation adaptation project, alternative vehicle charging infrastructure, and energy storage; and
      (5)   Any other project approved by the County or the Clean Energy Loan Program Administrator as qualifying consistent with the Act.
   (B)   Qualifying costs. A clean energy loan may be used to pay for all costs incurred by a property owner in connection with the qualifying projects, including but not limited to:
      (1)   The cost of the energy audit;
      (2)   Feasibility studies and reports;
      (3)   Project management, design, installation, and construction of the qualifying projects;
      (4)   Commissioning;
      (5)   Energy savings or performance guaranty or insurance;
      (6)   Closing costs of the clean energy loan;
      (7)   Permitting fees;
      (8)   Administrative fees;
      (9)   Post-install evaluation, management and verification; and
      (10)   Building accreditation.
(Bill No. 16-17, 11-15-2016; Bill No. 23-09, 6-6-2023)