§ 1-19-10.500.5. APPLICATION.
   A Phase I application for Planned Development District reclassification and concept plan approval must include sufficient information to provide the County Council with a basis to approve the overall concept of the project, rezone the property, and set a maximum permitted land use density, or the County Council may in its sole discretion, disapprove the rezoning request. At a minimum, a Phase I application shall include: information regarding the existing site conditions, a concept plan providing a graphic illustration of the proposed development, a justification statement, and a proposed phasing plan in accordance with the following standards:
   (A)   Existing site conditions. Existing site conditions information shall include the following:
      (1)   A vicinity map at a scale of 1 inch equals 2,000 feet or more to the inch, depicting the tract of land proposed for development with respect to surrounding properties and streets. At a minimum the map will show all streets and highways within 2,000 feet of the property proposed for development. Where available, the vicinity map shall include state assessment tax map, parcel number, and tax identification for all properties depicted.
      (2)   A boundary survey prepared and certified by a registered land surveyor within the State of Maryland. The boundary survey shall identify all easements affecting the tract of land proposed for development, and other physical encumbrances readily identified by a field inspection.
      (3)   A transportation map indicating the location of the tract of land proposed for development, with respect to local, collector, and arterial streets, existing easements and rights-of-way on or abutting the tract of land proposed for development, all existing bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and existing and planned transit facilities including routes and stops. The transportation map scale shall be determined at the preapplication conference based on project specifics.
      (4)   A land use map at a scale of 1 inch = 100 feet, indicating the type, location, acreage, and density of all existing land uses, the general street layout and circulation pattern, including existing zoning and County Comprehensive Plan land use designation. Existing land uses shall be included to a distance of 500 feet surrounding the tract of land proposed for development.
      (5)   An aerial photograph with the tract of land proposed for development and project site clearly delineated.
      (6)   An environmental and natural features map at a minimum scale of 1 inch = 100 feet. Unless otherwise specified by the Division, the map shall reflect the tract of land proposed for development and the first 100 feet of adjoining land or width of the adjacent lot, whichever is less, and include the following:
         (a)   Intermittent and perennial streams, drainage courses, and historic flow-ways on or within 200 feet of the tract of land proposed for development, including stream setbacks as required in § 1-19-9.400;
         (b)   Areas of 100 year floodplain as depicted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency flood insurance rate maps or amendments thereto, including floodplain and stream setbacks as required in § 1-19-9.110;
         (c)   Topography at a minimum of 5 foot contour intervals unless otherwise required by the Division;
         (d)   Moderate slopes (15% to <25%) and steep slopes (25% or greater);
         (e)   Wetsoils and flooding soils, including buffers;
         (f)   Tree lines, forested areas, and rock formations including historic, champion, and specimen trees and green infrastructure hubs and corridors;
         (g)   Location and type of native, exotic, and invasive vegetation;
         (h)   Jurisdictional wetlands and their buffers, including total acreage;
         (i)   Any other relevant information as required by the Division;
      (7)   The location and description of all sites, buildings, structures, or other objects listed on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, Frederick County Register of Historic Places, or as listed on the Maryland Inventory of Historic Properties.
   (B)   Concept plan. The concept plan shall be scaled to fit the sheet size of 24 inch x 36 inch, and shall also be submitted at 11 inch x 17 inch, and include the following:
      (1)   Generalized location and type of existing and proposed easements;
      (2)   Generalized location, configuration, and typical dimensions of all proposed subdivision lots;
      (3)   Generalized location, configuration, and description of proposed land use areas including: land use, square footage, height, and number of stories of proposed buildings, proposed density, parking and loading areas, ingress and egress, natural features, historic and cultural features, and recreation/open space areas;
      (4)   Existing land use surrounding the subject property including zoning and County Comprehensive Plan land use designation;
      (5)   A transportation map detailing the generalized location and design of the proposed internal and external vehicular and nonvehicular transportation network, connections to existing transportation facilities, and general trip generation for the proposed land use(s).
      (6)   A table and comparative analysis providing an explanation of the project gross and net density as proposed within the PUD or MXD District compared to the gross and net density as permitted within the existing land use designation. For the purposes of calculating gross and net density the following formulas shall be used:
      total number of dwelling units ÷ total project acreage = gross density
      total number of dwelling units ÷ the total project buildable acreage = net density
The calculation of net density excludes:
         (a)   FEMA floodplain boundaries, including 25-foot floodplain buffer;
         (b)   Priority forest conservation and forestation areas as listed under § 1-21-40;
         (c)   Jurisdictional wetland boundaries and 25-foot buffers;
         (d)   Hydrography, including perennial and intermittent streams and stream body buffer setback;
         (e)   Steep slopes (over 25%) associated with hydrological features and/or erodible soils;
         (f)   Nonresidential components (i.e. commercial areas); and
         (g)   Roadways and other land proposed to be dedicated for public purpose.
      (7)   Building and spaces visualization. The Phase I application shall include a buildings and spaces visualization component to serve as a graphical translation of the Planned Development District concept plan. This application component may utilize any visualization tool necessary to adequately demonstrate the conceptual layout of streets, buildings, open spaces, and structures in the Planned Development District. The primary purpose of this component shall be to communicate the conceptual form of the proposed development for the purpose of evaluating whether the project meets the Planned Development District provisions.
      (8)   Identification of scenic views onto the tract from surrounding roads and public areas, and how impacts to these view sheds are mitigated.
      (9)   Identification of historic resources and how all efforts have been made to promote the protection, preservation, and integration of historic resources into the planned development through reuse, adaptive use and rehabilitation.
      (10)   Identification of sensitive environmental resources and how impacts to these resources are avoided or minimized to the maximum extent practicable. Sensitive environmental resources include but are not limited to:
         (a)   FEMA floodplain boundaries, including 25-foot floodplain buffer;
         (b)   Priority forest conservation and forestation areas as listed under § 1-21-40;
         (c)   Jurisdictional wetland boundaries and 25-foot buffers;
         (d)   Hydrography, including perennial and intermittent streams and stream body buffer setbacks;
         (e)   Steep slopes (over 25%) associated with hydrological features and/or erodible soils; and
         (f)   Areas identified as green infrastructure network and/or sensitive species areas in the green infrastructure sector of the Livable Frederick Master Plan.
   (C)   The justification statement. The justification statement shall address each of the approval criteria set forth above and within §§ 1-19-3.110.1 through 1-19-3.110.6 of this chapter.
   (D)   The phasing plan. The proposed phasing plan shall describe the timing and sequence for dedication of public lands and development of public facilities and utilities.
   (E)   The Phase II application shall be provided in accordance with all applicable subdivision or site development plan review requirements, in addition to other required submissions and approvals (including without limitation, Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance studies, Forest Resource Ordinance plans, sight-distance studies, and stormwater management concepts).
   (F)   A combined application for PUD and MXD Districts may be submitted where the subject property is to be divided into development areas which correspond to a different planned development category; and where each development area is identified by a separate legal description.
   (G)   Traffic analysis. Based on an approved scope of work by the county and the methodologies set forth in the Guidelines For The Preparation Of Traffic Impact Analyses For Development Applications, analyze the adequacy of the road network based on pertinent criteria from § 1-19-10.500.3(E) and detail improvements, timing of improvements, and phasing of development necessary, if the impact of the development causes inadequacy of the road or a high degree of reduction of service.
(Ord. 10-26-561, 11-9-2010; Ord. 11-25-591, 10-27-2011; Ord. 14-23-678, 11-13-2014; Bill No. 20-07, 8-4-2020)