§ 1-19-6.500 LIGHTING.
   (A)   In accordance with the site plan review process provided in §§ 1-19-3.300 through 1-19-3.300.4, the Floating Zone Phase II execution process provided in §§ 1-19-10.500 through 1-19-10.500.11, or as otherwise provided within this chapter, lighting shall be designed and installed to be fully shielded. Lighting shall be directed downward to prevent glare and light trespass onto adjacent properties, roadways, and the nighttime sky.
   (B)   Pole and building mounted lighting shall not exceed a maximum height of:
      (1)   14 feet in pedestrian oriented developments including pedestrian components in Planned Unit Development (PUD), Mixed Use Development (MXD), Office Research/Industrial (ORI), and Planned Industrial/Commercial development;
      (2)   18 feet for commercial uses;
      (3)   24 feet for industrial uses;
      (4)   Lighting height shall be measured from the ground to the point of illumination.
   (C)   For the purpose of reduction in energy consumption, light trespass, and glare, proposed lighting shall utilize the lowest lighting levels feasible. Evaluation factors include: light distribution and overlap, number and height of fixtures.
   (D)   Lighting shall not exceed .50 foot-candles as measured from the property line.
   (E)   Lighting that is exempt from these requirements includes temporary lighting and lighting provided for emergency or safety purposes as required by: the Building Code, Electrical Code, or otherwise within the County Code.
   (F)   Application. Where required within this chapter, a lighting plan shall be approved as part of the site plan review and approval process (§ 1-19-3.300.3). The lighting plan shall include the following elements:
      (1)   A form acceptable to the Community Development Division;
      (2)   The type and location of all proposed lighting including:
         (a)   Lighting standards and specifications;
         (b)   Photometric data, such as that furnished by the manufacturer, showing the angle of cut off of light emissions, upward and lateral glare shield details, and foot-candle light values for the entire site;
         (c)   Building and pole mounting heights;
         (d)   Hours of operation.
   (G)   The Planning Commission may modify the lighting standards within this section based on characteristics of the proposed use, photometric studies, nationally recognized standards, or other documentation as approved by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 09-22-526, 7-14-2009; Ord. 10-01-536, 1-19-2010; Ord. 10-26-561, 11-9-2010; Ord. 11-25-591, 10-27-2011; Ord. 13-25-653, 10-31-2013; Ord. 14-23-678, 11-13-2014)