§ 1-19-8.450. SELF-STORAGE UNITS.
   (A)   Multiple structures. Multiple self-storage unit buildings may be located on a single lot if the following requirements are satisfied:
      (1)   Only one building shall be designated as the main or office building;
      (2)   Signage shall be allowed and calculated only for the main or office building.
      (3)   Each building, with the exception of one main or office building, shall be used exclusively for self-storage.
   (B)   Bulk regulations.
      (1)   See § 1-19-6.100.
      (2)   If the development is adjacent to a residential district or use, then the minimum side yard setback shall be 20 feet or equal to the height of the building, whichever is greater.
   (C)   Minimum landscaped open space.
      (1)   Minimum landscaped open space shall not be less than 20% of the land area of the lot.
      (2)   Open space shall not be used for parking or storage of vehicles, vehicular traffic, or stormwater management facilities.
      (3)   All open space must be landscaped.
   (D)   Design requirements.
      (1)   The design of the building(s) shall be compatible with the surrounding property and uses. Elements to be considered in determining compatibility include: building height, scale, massing, orientation, and materials; lot orientation, size, shapes, widths and depths; distance between buildings; pedestrian and vehicular traffic circulation, access and parking; lighting, odor and noise impacts.
      (2)   The facades of all building(s) must be of consistent design and constructed of the same or similar materials.
      (3)   All service and loading areas shall be screened from public view.
      (4)   Storage unit doors and access areas shall not face a public way (street, road, sidewalk, etc.) or the public view.
      (5)   Lighting shall be designed and directed away, or screened, from adjoining properties so as not to cause glare on or adversely impact adjoining properties.
      (6)   Lighting shall not exceed 0.5 foot/candles at the periphery of the site.
      (7)   Light poles may not exceed 12 feet (measured from the ground to the point of illumination or lens) unless the Planning Commission grants a modification during site plan review and approval.
(Ord. 07-31-471, 10-15-2007; Ord. 08-26-502, 10-14-2008; Ord. 14-23-678, 11-13-2014)