(A) A person may not grade land without an erosion and sediment control plan approved by the Frederick or Catoctin SCD.
(B) The Frederick or Catoctin SCD shall review erosion and sediment control plans to determine compliance with this chapter and the Standards and Specifications prior to approval. In approving the plan, the Frederick or Catoctin SCD may impose such conditions that may be deemed necessary to ensure compliance with the provisions of this chapter, COMAR 26.17.01, the Standards and Specifications, and the preservation of public health and safety.
(C) The review and approval process shall be in accordance with the comprehensive and integrated plan approval process described in the Standards and Specifications, Frederick County's Stormwater chapter, and the Act.
(D) At a minimum, a concept plan must include the mapping of natural resources and sensitive areas including highly erodible soils and slopes greater than 15 percent as well as information required under Frederick County's Stormwater chapter. These areas are to remain undisturbed or an explanation must be included with either the concept or site development plan describing enhanced protection strategies for these areas during construction.
(E) A site development plan submittal must include all concept plan information and indicate how proposed erosion and sediment control practices will be integrated with proposed stormwater management practices. The latter is to be done through a narrative and an overlay plan showing both ESD and erosion and sediment control practices. An initial sequence of construction and proposed project phasing to achieve the grading unit restriction should be submitted at this time.
(F) An applicant shall submit a final erosion and sediment control plan to the Frederick or Catoctin SCD for review and approval. The plan must include all of the information required by the concept and site development plans as well as any information in § 1-10-17 not already submitted.
(G) A final erosion and sediment control plan shall not be considered approved without the inclusion of the signature and date of signature of the Frederick or Catoctin SCD on the plan.
(H) Approved plans remain valid for 2 years from the date of approval unless extended or renewed by the Frederick or Catoctin SCD.
(I) Grandfathering of Approved Plans:
(1) Any plans that receive final approval after January 9, 2013 must be in compliance with the requirements of this chapter and the Standards and Specifications.
(2) A plan that receives final approval by January 9, 2013 may be reapproved under its existing conditions if grading activities have begun on the site by January 9, 2015, with the exception of stabilization requirements.
(3) Stabilization practices on all sites must be in compliance with the requirements of this chapter and the Standards and Specifications by January 9, 2013, regardless of when an approved erosion and sediment control plan was approved.
(Ord. 12-27-622, 11-8-2012; Ord. 14-23-678, 11-13-2014)