The following terms may be imposed by the village in the issuance of a significant user permit:
   (A)   Limitation upon the characteristics, volume of wastewaters or the rate of flow permitted from the premises;
   (B)   The installation and maintenance (including calibration) by the permittee at his or her own expense for facilities or equipment, including but not limited to devices for intermittent or continuous measurement of wastewaters discharged; facilities or equipment for reducing the maximum rates of discharge; pretreatment and flow control facilities; suitable controls or sampling manholes; grease, oil and sand interceptors, separators or traps;
   (C)   Maintenance of appropriate records of all measurements of wastewaters made by the permittee;
   (D)   The submission to the village of periodic reports (as frequent as weekly but no greater than quarterly) signed by the authorized representative, setting forth adequate data upon which the acceptability of the wastewaters may be determined subsequent to the commencement of operation of any pretreatment or flow control facilities;
   (E)   Reimbursement of village costs including staff time and lab fees, to independently sample and analyze the quantity and quality of the significant user’s waste stream as frequently as weekly; and
   (F)   Other terms and conditions as may be necessary to protect the village sewage works and to carry out the intent and provisions of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 3-7-9)