(A)   (1)   Sex offenders who reside in the village and who are required to register with the Department of Corrections pursuant to N.Y. Correct. Law Art. 6-C must register with FPD.
      (2)   A sex offender must register with FPD within ten days after being released from incarceration, or ten days from the date of sentencing if not incarcerated, for a sex offender violation. A registrant under this section must provide FPD with the following information:
         (a)   His or her legal name, any other names or aliases he or she has used or is using and any new names he or she has applied for in the last year;
         (b)   His or her date of birth;
         (c)   His or her Social Security number;
         (d)   His or her current address, the address of any other residences he or she owns or the address of any other real property he or she owns or leases and the address of any other locations or places of lodging where the sex offender intends to stay or does in fact stay for more than three consecutive days at any time or an aggregate of ten or more days in a registration year. Homeless shelters and extended-stay establishments must be included in the disclosure required pursuant to this division (d). Pursuant to this division (A) above, the registrant must provide a description and location of any and all rented or owned spaces to which the registrant claims a right to privacy or a right to exclude others, including, but not limited to storage buildings;
         (e)   His or her place of employment and the name and telephone number of a contact person who knows his or her location at any and all times during employment hours or other times he or she performs work in the scope of his or her employment duties;
         (f)   His or her driver’s license number and the license plate number, vehicle identification number and description by make and model of all vehicles registered to him or her, owned by him or her, driven by him or her during employment or otherwise available to him or her with regularity by consent from another; and
         (g)   A list of any and all sex offense violations of which he or she has been convicted or to which he or she has entered a plea of guilty.
      (3)   As an alternative to the registration information to be gathered in division (A)(2) above, the FPD may rely on the information as is gathered and provided by the state to the village pursuant to N.Y. Correct. Law Art. 6-C.
   (B)   Within five days from the effective date of this subchapter, a sex offender employed by an employer located in the village shall notify FPD that he is a registered sex offender. At the time a sex offender applies for or receives an offer of employment by an employer where the sex offender will be working substantially within the village, the sex offender shall notify the employer that he or she is a registered sex offender. All sex offenders shall provide the employer or prospective employer with the current conditions of probation in writing including, if applicable, any conditions of probation that require the sex offender to stay away from vulnerable populations or conditions the sex offender’s contact with vulnerable populations.
(Ord. 8-2006, passed 10-23-2006)