(A)   No stove, furnace, boiler, forge or other apparatus or device using an open flame or fire, nor any electric or other apparatus which is likely to produce an exposed spark shall be used or permitted in a room or space where flammable liquid, gas or vapor is or is likely to be stored, handled or kept for use or sale.
(Prior Code, § 8-2-8)
   (B)   (1)   No system of lighting using an open flame shall be installed or used in a room or space where flammable liquid, gas or vapor, or combustible material regulated by this section is or is likely to be stored, kept, handled or used.
      (2)   No person shall use or take into a room or space where flammable liquid, gas or vapor, or combustible material regulated by this chapter is stored, kept or handled or used, any portable lighting device other than protected incandescent electric light.
(Prior Code, § 8-2-9)
   (C)   No person shall smoke or carry a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or match within a room or space where flammable liquid, gas or vapor, or combustible material regulated by this section is stored, handled or kept for use or sale.
(Prior Code, § 8-2-10(a)) Penalty, see § 10.99