The permittee shall cooperate with the city’s Police Department in designing a security plan for the parade, special event or special event with alcohol that may involve the use of city police, whether on-duty or off-duty. The decision to use city police officers, whether on-duty or off-duty, and the number of such employees and the rank of the police officers provided shall be within the sole discretion of the Chief of Police based on the appropriateness of the request and the ability of the Police Department to provide staffing to fulfill the requested service. Any off-duty use of city police officers in which the police officer is in his or her police uniform or using city equipment shall require the approval of an agreement between the city and the Franklin Police Department and the permittee. The city shall be reimbursed the established service costs of contracted police officers or on-duty police officers, at the portion of the established service costs set out below. The Chief Financial Officer is authorized to determine an established service cost for each rank of police officer and to modify those established service costs on an annual basis to account for cost of living increases.
   (A)   Private (for profit) and post secondary education institutions: 100%.
   (B)   Nonprofit organization and schools located in the city: 50%.
   (C)   Certain designated special events are exempt from the provisions of this chapter and police services shall be continued at no cost to the sponsoring organization so long as the request for police services and the cost to the city are not significantly increased. Should any of these designated special events not occur in any fiscal year or the request for police services and the cost to the city significantly increase, as determined by the City Manager, this provision shall cease and that special event shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter. The special events grandfathered by the provisions of this chapter are: Christmas Parade, Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade or Walk, Homecoming Parade, Antique Car Show and Cruise-In, Garden Spot Trot 5K and Walk, and Franklin-Simpson School system sporting events.
(Ord. 440.11-07-2014, passed 6-23-2014; Ord. 2021-026, passed 11-8-2021)