All permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall be temporary and do not vest any permanent rights. The City Manager or Chief of Police shall be allowed to revoke a permit under the terms of this section. Reasons for revocation of a parade, permitted special event, or permitted special event with alcohol permit include applications containing incomplete or false information; the applicant does not comply with all terms and conditions of the permit; the applicant fails to arrange for or adequately remit all fees, deposits, insurance or bonds to the city; the applicant fails or is incomplete in any of the requirements of this chapter; or disaster, public calamity or other emergency exists. In addition, the Chief of Police or Fire Chief shall have the authority at any time to revoke or suspend a special event permit or special event with alcohol permit for an indefinite period of time under exigent circumstances or the threat thereof which present a reasonable concern for public safety.
(Ord. 440.11-07-2014, passed 6-23-2014; Ord. 2021-026, passed 11-8-2021)