§ 55.209 USER CHARGES.
   (A)   Each user shall be levied a charge for payment of bonded indebtedness of the treatment system and for that user’s proportionate share of the operations and maintenance costs of the system. A surcharge will be levied against those users with wastewater that exceeds the strength of normal wastewater.
   (B)   The user charge will be computed from a base charge plus a surcharge. The base charge will be the user’s proportionate share of the costs of operation and maintenance (O&M) including replacement for handling its periodic volume of normal wastewater.
      (1)   Operation and maintenance user charges. Each user’s share of operation and maintenance costs will be computed by the following formula:
   Cu   =   Ct x (Vu) Vt
   Where:   Cu = User’s charge for O&M per unit of time
   Ct   =   Total O&M cost per unit of time
   Vt   =   Total volume contribution from all users per unit of time
   Vu   =   Volume contribution from a user per unit of time
      (2)   Surcharges. The surcharge will be the user’s proportionate share of the O&M costs for handling its periodic volume of wastewater which exceeds the strength of BOD5, suspended solids, and/or other elements in normal wastewater including toxic wastes.
      (3)   Method of billing surcharges. With the exception of phosphorus addressed in subsection (4) below, the excessive strength surcharge shall be based on a formula (see example below) with the total applied to the monthly bill of the affected users:
   Example Formula:
[A(G-300)+B(H-300)+C(I-600)+D(J-60)+E (K-20)+F(L-100)] x 8.34 x M = Surcharge Payment ($/month)
Formula Code:
   A   =   Surcharge rate for BOD in $/pound
   B   =   Surcharge rate for SS in $/pound
   C   =   Surcharge rate for COD in $/pound
   D   =   Surcharge rate for TKN in $/pound
   E   =   Surcharge rate for NH3-N in $/pound
   F   =   Surcharge rate for oil/grease in $/pound
   G   =   User’s average BOD concentration in mg/L
   H   =   User’s average SS concentration in mg/L
   I   =   User’s average COD concentration in mg/L
   J   =   User’s average TKN concentration in mg/L
   K   =   User’s average NH3-N concentration in mg/L
   L   =   User’s average oil/grease in mg/L
   M   =   User’s monthly flow (water usage) to wastewater works in million gallons
      (4)   Phosphorus. Due to the fact that phosphorus is treated differently by the Kentucky Division of Water and through the KPDES permit, the city must treat phosphorus separately as set forth in this section. The phosphorus limit for wastewater placed in the system by a user is 10.0 mg/L. This is also set forth in the tables attached to this chapter. Any user submitting wastewater with a phosphorus limit over 10.0 mg/L shall be charged a phosphorus surcharge rate (PSR) of $3.47 per pound for each pound of phosphorus entering the system over the 10.0 mg/L limit. This surcharge is calculated based on the actual costs for removing one pound of phosphorus, which is currently $2.57 per pound, plus a 35% administrative and treatment costs factor, which equates to the $3.47 per pound phosphorus surcharge rate, in addition, any user that submits wastewater into the system with a phosphorus amount of 60 mg/L or greater will be surcharged at the aforementioned rate, plus the user will receive a notice of violation which can include, but not be limited to any and all fines or additional charges as set forth in the sewer use ordinance (SUO) and the Pretreatment Enforcement Manual.
   (C)   No reduction in wastewater service charges, fees, or taxes shall be permitted because of the fact that certain wastes discharged to the wastewater works contain less than mg/L of BOD, mg/L of SS, or mg/L of other pollutants, as listed.
   (D)   The values of parameters used to determine user charges may vary from time to time. Therefore, the Superintendent is authorized to modify any parameter or value as often as necessary. Review of all parameters and values shall be undertaken whenever necessary; but in no case less frequently than annually.
(Ord. 610.1-07-08-13, passed 7-8-2013)