(A)   Prior to any ordinance being presented to the City Commission at any meeting for a reading, a minium of two members of the Commission must request an ordinance to be drafted by the City Attorney, except as provided in division (C) below. The request may be verbal or in writing, and the members of the Commission requesting the preparation of an ordinance shall inform the City Attorney of the general nature of the ordinance to be prepared, whether or not it is an amendment to an existing ordinance or a new ordinance, and a detailed description of the proposed contents of the new ordinance and/or amendment of an existing ordinance.
   (B)   The City Attorney shall not prepare an ordinance unless or until he or she has been personally contacted, verbally or in writing, by at least two members of the Commission requesting the preparation of said ordinance.
   (C)   In the event that an ordinance is required due to emergency circumstances, one member of the Commission can authorize the City Attorney to draft an ordinance under the following circumstances:
      (1)   If a situation arises where an ordinance is required to prevent injury and/or damage to persons or property located in the city; or
      (2)   If a substantiate emergency exists for the preparation and passage of an ordinance and the member of the Commission requesting the preparation of an ordinance is unable to make contact with any other member of the Commission.
(Ord. 130.10-8-02, passed 9-9-2002)