This appendix includes various miscellaneous special ordinances of the village not included in any other appendix of this code.
Ord. No.   Description
398   Truck sale, 1960.
R3-10-75   Special election for police protection tax.
482   Grant agreement with EPA.
505   Sale of 2 trucks (Yocum).
549   Authorization of Commonwealth Edison Company to use public way and property.
550   Membership in risk management association; execution of intergovernmental cooperation contract.
553   Cablevision franchise - extension.
555   Drug free school, public parks, public housing, zone map ordinance.
561   Enterprise zone.
97-578   Amendment to enterprise zone ordinance.
589-98   Amendment to enterprise zone ordinance.
596-2000   Amendment to ordinance 561.
602A-00   Rezone.
606   Conveyance of property and intergovernmental agreement from Franklin Grove sanitary district.
607   Authorization of conveyance of property to China Township.
608   Request for the conveyance of property from China Township.
614   Amendment to ordinance 561.
615   Amendment to boundaries of enterprise zone.
624-02   Rezone.
628-02   Call for referendum on Sunday liquor sales for off premises consumption.
636-03   Amendment to ordinance 561.
643-03   IMLRMA intergovernment contract.
656-05   Setting water and sewer rates.
664-06   Amendment to ordinance 561.
667-06   Amendment to ordinance 561.
668-06   Zone map ordinance.
670-06   Adoption of official fee schedule.
673-06   Amendment to ordinance 561.
676-06   Setting water and sewer rates.
686-07   Request for the sale of real property from the Franklin Grove library board.
688-07   Amendment to zoning map.
690-08   Establishment of procedure for sale or lease of surplus public real estate.
694-08   Amendment to zoning map.
706-10   Setting water and sewer rates.
711-10   Amendment to ordinance 561.
712-11   Amendment to ordinance 561.
715-11   Amendment to ordinance 561.
720-11   Grant zone variance.
721-11   Providing for submission to electors whether village should have authority to arrange for supply of electricity for customers who have not opted out.
726-12   Authorizing aggregation of electrical load and adopting an electric aggregation plan of operation and governance.
732-13   Amendment to ordinance 561.
738-14   Authorizing execution of the Illinois public works mutual aid network agreement (IPWMAN).
744-14   Amendment to ordinance 561.