Within one year after approval of the preliminary plan, the subdivider shall submit the following documents to the village clerk not less than ten (10) days prior to the regularly scheduled meeting of the plan commission:
   A.   Fifteen (15) copies of the completed application for final plat approval.
   B.   The original tracing cloth or Mylar of the final plat, which shall be returned to the applicant upon final plat approval for recording with the county recorder of deeds.
   C.   One copy of the final plat, drawn on sepia for future use by the village in its planning and development activities.
   D.   Fifteen (15) copies of the final plat of subdivision to be used for review by village officials.
   E.   Five (5) copies of the plans and specifications for all improvements required under chapter 5 of this title.
   F.   Filing fee of fifty dollars ($50.00).
   G.   Reimbursement statement, whereby the subdivider agrees to reimburse the village for all costs incurred by the village for the review of the final plat submittals. Such fees shall be paid by the subdivider prior to final plat approval.
   H.   Performance guarantee, in the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the estimated costs of the required subdivision improvements, as approved by the village engineer, in order to ensure that the work is performed according to the plans and specifications and according to good engineering practices. Such guarantee shall be in accordance with subsection 10-5-1A1 of this title.
   I.   Inspection statement, whereby the subdivider agrees to provide inspection in accordance with subsection 10-5-3A of this title.
   J.   Text of protective covenants, deed restrictions, homeowners' association contracts and other restrictions relating to any part of the proposed subdivision, including, but not limited to, building restrictions, use restrictions, building setback lines, buffer areas, common open space, maintenance of improvements, etc.
   K.   Final plat checklist, signed by the applicant indicating that all items necessary for review have been submitted.
   L.   The final plat shall not be considered until the following certificates have been duly executed:
Owner's certificate.
Surveyor's certificate.
Certificate of special assessments.
County clerk's certificate.
The village clerk shall transmit the final plat and accompanying material to the plan commission at its next regularly scheduled meeting following the final plat submittal. The final plat shall be considered officially filed when the plan commission determines that it contains all the information essential for its proper review according to the provisions of this title. The plan commission shall refer the final plat to the village engineer and others it deems necessary in order to make such proper determination. (Ord. 610, 4-9-2001)