10-2-2-1: PREPARATION:
Subsequent to and in accordance with the information provided during the concept conference, the subdivider shall prepare a preliminary plan of subdivision. The preliminary plan shall comply with the provisions of section 10-2-1 of this chapter and shall be drawn at a scale of one hundred feet to the inch (1" = 100"), or fifty feet to the inch (1" = 50') if the area of subdivision is less than forty (40) acres. It shall contain the following information:
   A.   Location And Description:
      1.   Name of the proposed subdivision which shall not duplicate the name of any plat heretofore recorded in Lee County.
      2.   Legal description of land proposed to be subdivided, by section, township and range, and other terms as used in describing such land on the records of the recorder of deeds, Lee County, Illinois.
      3.   Boundary lines of the proposed subdivision, including bearing and dimensions, as prepared and certified by a land surveyor registered in Illinois.
      4.   Total acreage, within the boundaries of the tract.
      5.   Names and addresses of the owner, owner of record (including the names and addresses of all beneficiaries of any land trust, accompanied by a certified copy of the trust agreement and all amendments thereto), the subdivider, the surveyor, the engineer and land planner who designed the plan.
      6.   Location and names of adjacent subdivisions and owners of adjoining parcels of unsubdivided land.
      7.   Date, scale and north point.
   B.   Existing Conditions (On And Within Two Hundred Feet Of The Tract):
      1.   Topographic data, including contours at vertical intervals of not more than two feet (2') with reference to USGS datum, except in unusual topographic conditions when such vertical intervals may be required to be altered as determined by the village engineer.
      2.   Soil types, as outlined by a soil scientist.
      3.   Other natural features such as source of water supply, watercourses (with highest flood levels indicated), marshes, ponds, springs, rock outcrop, wooded areas, isolated preservable trees six inches (6") or more in caliper at one foot (1') above ground level, and other features.
      4.   Existing improvements, including the location, widths and names of all existing or previously platted streets or other rights of way showing type of improvement (if any), railroad and utility rights of way, parks and other public open spaces, buildings and structures, historic sites and landmarks.
      5.   Existing improvements, including the location, capacity and size of domestic water supply, water mains, sewer lines, culverts, drainage or farm tile, towers, poles and other underground and aboveground facilities, also indicating such data as local conditions and surface and invert grade elevations of catch basins, manholes and fire hydrants. If water mains and sewers are not on or adjacent to the tract, indicated the direction and distance to and the size of the nearest usable facilities. (If requested, additional drawings, maps or photographs shall be submitted in order to accurately locate existing features.)
      6.   Easements, including location, width and purpose.
      7.   Political boundaries, including corporate limits, school, park and fire protection district boundaries and national and local historic district boundaries.
   C.   Proposed Subdivision Design Features:
      1.   Proposed zoning.
      2.   Layout of streets, including right of way widths, street names (not duplicating or similar to the name of any street heretofore used in China Township unless such street is an extension or in line with an already named street, in which event the name shall be used), and proposed through streets extended to the boundaries of the subdivision and approximate grades and gradients.
      3.   Other rights of way including location and width of alleys, pedestrianways, drainageways and utility and other easements.
      4.   Lots, including layout, number, dimension and area (in square feet), for each lot in the subdivision.
      5.   Setback lines, including front and side street building setback lines and dimensions.
      6.   Location of utilities, including proposed method of sewage and waste disposal and location of sewer lines, water mains, storm water drains and surface drainage for each lot or building area, and method of storm water detention and retention.
      7.   When recommended by the village engineer and required by the plan commission, the subdivider shall submit detailed grading plans of blocks and lots. No land will be approved for subdivision which is subject to periodic flooding or which contains inadequate drainage facilities or other topographic and soil conditions which may increase danger to health or property, or aggravate erosion or flood hazard unless the subdivider agrees to make improvements which will, in the opinion of the village engineer and plan commission, make such land safe for development and occupancy.
      8.   Sites intended to be dedicated or reserved for public use or set aside for use of property owners in the subdivision, including the conditions, if any, of such dedication or reservation.
      9.   Land use designations, including sites for multiple-family dwellings, shopping centers, churches, industry and other nonpublic uses exclusive of single-family dwellings with the approximate acreage of each indicated.
   D.   Approval Certificate: The following certificate shall be shown in the lower right hand corner of the preliminary plan:
The preliminary plan of a subdivision shown hereon has received approval by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Franklin Grove, Illinois, and upon compliance by the subdivider with requirements of qualifications governing the approval of preliminary plans and with other revisions and stipulations that may be required, the Village Board will receive the final plat for consideration when submitted by the subdivider in such form and within such time as required by the Village subdivision regulations, and approved by the Plan Commission. Approval of the subdivision is only preliminary. Approval allows the subdivider to prepare improvement plans and/or a final plat.
      Date:                      , 20                 .
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Franklin Grove, Illinois
      Village Clerk
(Ord. 610, 4-9-2001)