A.   Whenever the chief of the fire protection district or any officer or member thereof shall find any building or other structure in the village which shall have been damaged by fire, decay or otherwise, to the extent of fifty percent (50%) of the value thereof or which, for want of proper repair or by reason of age and dilapidated condition, defective or poorly installed electric wiring and equipment, defective chimneys, defective gas connections, defective heating apparatus, or for any cause, is especially liable for fire and which is so situated as to endanger other buildings or property, or so occupied that fire would endanger persons or property therein, such officer shall order and direct the owner or occupant thereof to repair or tear down, demolish and remove such building or structure and to remedy all dangerous conditions existing on said premises.
   B.   If such officer shall find in any building or upon any premises or other place, combustible material or explosive matter, or dangerous accumulation of rubbish, unnecessary accumulation of wastepaper, boxes, shavings, or any other inflammable materials especially liable to fire and which is so situated as to endanger property or shall find obstructions to or on fire escapes, stairs, passageways, doors or windows, liable to interfere with the operations of the fire protection district, or egress of occupants in case of fire, such officer shall order and direct the same to be removed or remedied, and such order shall forthwith be complied with by the owner or occupant of such building or premises.
Provided, however, that if said occupant or owner shall deem himself aggrieved by such order, he may within twenty four (24) hours, appeal to the village president of the board of trustees who shall within ten (10) days investigate the cause of complaint and review such order and file his decision thereon, and unless the order is revoked or modified it shall remain in full force and be forthwith complied with by said owner or occupant. (Ord. 225, 4-5-1915)