§ 51.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   All law enforcement officers, Solid Waste Department personnel, or other designees of the Board of County Commissioners shall be the enforcement officers of this chapter.
   (B)   Solid Waste Department personnel are specifically empowered to direct users of the county landfill to dispose of specific types of solid waste in designated areas either by verbal instruction, posting signs, or both. Failure to comply with the disposal instructions of the Solid Waste Department personnel or of a posted sign designating disposal areas will result in a fee of $25 as set forth above.
   (C)   Solid Waste Department personnel are further specifically authorized to collect the fees set forth in this chapter which are designated as fees to be paid at the landfill.
   (D)   Any fee assessed to a property owner but not paid within 30 days shall be delinquent and shall be assessed on the real and/or personal property tax rolls of the owners of the property from which the assessment stems. The county reserves all other remedies available to collect delinquent solid waste assessment fees.
(Ord. 2005-1, passed - -)