(A)   Existing precincts, modified precincts, and/or boundary lines for Franklin County Commissioners Districts 1, 2, and 3, shall be and hereby are established as follows.
      (1)   Commissioner District #1:
         (a)   Preston #1;
         (b)   Preston #5;
         (c)   Franklin #10;
         (d)   Mapleton #11; and
         (e)   Whitney #16.
      (2)   Commissioner District #2:
         (a)   Banida/Winder #6 (transferred from former District #3);
         (b)   Preston #3;
         (c)   Preston #4;
         (d)   Mink Creek #12;
         (e)   Thatcher #13;
         (f)   Treasureton/Riverdale #14; and
         (g)   Worm Creek #17 (new precinct, split off from former District #4).
      (3)   Commissioner District #3:
         (a)   Preston #2;
         (b)   Clifton #7;
         (c)   Dayton #8;
         (d)   Fairview #9 (transferred from former District #1); and
         (e)   Weston #15.
   (B)   The new or revised precincts and their boundaries shall be and hereby are established as follows.
      (1)   Worm Creek Precinct #17. Worm Creek #17 precinct begins at the corner of State Street and Third North, there it turns east and runs along Third North to Second East, turns north and runs along Second East to Fourth North, turns east and runs east along Fourth North to the Worm Creek. It follows the Worm Creek, as it turns north and runs in a northeasterly direction along the Worm Creek to 2200 East. At 2200 East it turns north and runs north along 2200 East to Highway 34. It crosses Highway 34 and runs west along the river bluff to State Street. It then runs south on State Street to Third North to the point of beginning. All courses are along the middle of the described streets.
      (2)   Preston Precinct #4. Preston #4 precinct begins at the corner of State Street and Oneida Street, then it runs north on State Street to Third North. It then turns east and runs along Third North to Second East, turns north and runs along Second East to Fourth North, then turns east and runs east along Fourth North to the Worm Creek. At the Worm Creek, it turns south and runs south along the Worm Creek to Oneida Street. Then it turns east along Oneida Street to State Street to the point of beginning. All courses are along the middle of the described streets.
      (3)   Dayton Precinct #8 and Weston Precinct #15. The border between the Dayton and Weston precincts was changed. Beginning at the west county line and Highway 36, running southeast along the highway to the Caribou National Forest boundary line. It then turns north and follows the forest boundary one-half mile then turns east following the forest boundary almost one mile to 7200 West. Here the line turns south and follows 7200 West south to 1600 South. At 1600 South it turns east following 1600 South in a southeasterly direction to 2700 South and continuing east to Highway 36. Here it turns north and runs north along the highway to 1600 South, turning east again, running east for one mile and turning north at 4000 West. It runs north for one mile and turns east at 800 South and runs east for one mile, then turns south at 3200 West. It runs south along 3200 West for one mile and turns east again on 1600 South. It then runs east on 1600 South to the Bear River (about two miles). Everything north of the above-described boundary is in Dayton Precinct #8. Everything south of the above-described boundary is in Weston Precinct #15 with all of the other boundaries remaining the same.
      (4)   Mapleton Precinct #11/Whitney Precinct #16/Preston Precinct #5.
         (a)   The size of the Mapleton Precinct is increased to compensate for new homes in outlying areas. A small portion of Whitney Precinct #16 and Preston Precinct #5 are added to Mapleton Precinct #11. These changes are made to enable voters to vote at the polling place nearest to their homes.
         (b)   The new description for the Mapleton Precinct #11 is as follows: the eastern boundary of the precinct is the county line. The southern boundary of the precinct is the county line which is also the state line. The western boundary of the precinct begins at the southern county line and the Cache National Forest boundary line. At that point, it runs north along the forest boundary four miles, turns east for one-half mile and then north again for one mile (still following the forest boundary). At the point where Maple Creek Road enters the forest, the precinct boundary turns west, runs west around the Morgan Ridge Bluff to the township line dividing Township 16 and Township 15. Then it runs west along the township line to the Cub River. Here it turns south and runs southwest along the river to the power lines, turns north and runs along the power lines to the Middle Ditch. At the Middle Ditch it turns west and follows the ditch in a northerly direction to 800 South. At 800 South it turns east, it goes straight east for one mile and runs into Giraffe Road (the above description changes the boundary between Mapleton Precinct #11 and Whitney Precinct #16). It then follows Giraffe Road to the top of the hill. At the top of the hill a dirt road runs northeast to a peak. The boundary runs along the ridge line in a northeasterly direction to Glendale Road where the Preston water line intersects the road. It turns northwest and runs along Glendale Road to Worm Creek Road (the above description changes the boundary between Mapleton Precinct #11 and Preston Precinct #5). Then it runs northeasterly along Worm Creek Road to the Cache National Forest boundary line, thence it follows the Cache National Forest boundary north two miles, then east one mile, then north one and three-fourths miles to the power lines. At the power lines it runs along the power lines east, then south, then northeast to the county line.
(Ord. 2002-1, passed 3-11-2002)