(A)   Use of the solid waste collection service provided by the county is required and mandatory for all resident premises in the county.
   (B)   No person shall engage in the business of collection, conveyance, or disposal of solid waste, including recyclable materials, without an agreement or license with the county, and must be delivered to the landfill compacted.
   (C)   No person shall cast, place, sweep, or otherwise deposit solid waste anywhere in the county in such a manner that it may be carried or deposited by the elements upon any street, sidewalk, parkway, waterway, vacant lot, public place, or any other premises.
   (D)   No person may deposit or relinquish for collection or disposal through the county solid waste collection program any prohibited waste. PROHIBITED WASTES include the following:
      (1)   Liquid wastes, both bulk and contained;
      (2)   Tires;
      (3)   Material regulated by the state or federal government as hazardous waste;
      (4)   Equipment, or machines containing refrigerants;
      (5)   Medical or infectious wastes generated from business sources, such as hospitals, clinics, medical offices, surgical offices, dental offices, veterinarian offices, nursing homes, and laboratories; and medical or infectious waste generated by any other public or private source. Generators of such waste shall manage and store the waste in a manner to prevent it from being a hazard to any person or to the general public;
      (6)   Dead animal remains in excess of 25 pounds, unless the remains are placed into plastic garbage bags and then into a tightly closed air-tight, water-tight container;
      (7)   Wastes that exhibit extreme temperatures or harmful vapors;
      (8)   Materials which contain corrosive, flammable, explosive, or toxic chemicals or compounds, including batteries;
      (9)   Materials with physical or other properties which create a risk to the environment or public health and safety or which pose an operational hazard for collection personnel; and
      (10)   Any solid waste materials of any kind which are generated outside of the county.
   (E)   Customers who generate prohibited wastes shall make arrangements for the collection and disposal of the waste through approved sources.
   (F)   All solid waste and recyclable materials placed for collection shall be considered the property and the responsibility of the customer until the time of collection when it shall become the property and responsibility of the county. No person shall take, examine, uncover, snoop in or through, separate, gather, collect, scavenge, or salvage solid waste materials deposited in containers or otherwise placed for collection without the express permission of the owner of the property, or the solid waste service provider once the materials have been collected. Authorized government personnel are exempt from this requirement. This provision does not create or recognize a right or expectation of individual privacy with respect to solid waste placed for collection.
   (G)   No person shall place or deposit any materials in or around a solid waste container provided for a specific business or premises, or in or around residential solid waste containers, except through the approval of the customer receiving service at the location or residence.
   (H)   No person shall allow the accumulation of solid waste upon any premises within the county unless properly contained as provided for in this chapter. Any unauthorized accumulation shall be considered a nuisance and prohibited.
   (I)   Waste resulting from construction activities shall be contained in a manner to prevent it from being blown, washed, or carried off the premises. All wastes at a construction site shall be collected and properly disposed of or recycled prior to the end of the construction project.
   (J)   No person may burn or otherwise dispose of solid waste outdoors within the county. All solid waste must be placed for collection under the provisions of this chapter.
   (K)   Failure of any residence or commercial premises to receive adequate solid waste collection service may be declared a public nuisance. The county shall have the right to order the abatement of such nuisance at the expense of the owner or occupant of the premises, but this shall not preclude the county or the owner from seeking recovery against other responsible persons.
(Ord. 2003-5, passed 9-22-2003) Penalty, see § 50.999