(A)   Regular service. Curbside collection of solid waste one time per week.
   (B)   Carry-out service. Regular collection service with the additional provision that the collection vehicle shall enter onto the resident’s property to collect provided solid waste containers. The resident must execute an agreement to save and hold harmless the county and the service provider for any damages before this service can be instituted. Said service must be approved in advance by the Board, and may be disapproved, approved, or approved subject to an additional fee. Approval will be in the discretion of the Board, depending on road accessibility, turnaround capability, and other factors that affect the efficiency of the collection system. In addition, the resident must assure that snow and other obstructions are cleared, such that efficient collection can be accomplished.
   (C)   Seasonal collections. Each year, the county may establish special dates for the collection of leaves and the collection of Christmas trees.
(Ord. 2003-5, passed 9-22-2003)