(A)   It shall be the policy of the county to maintain, protect, and enhance the natural assets of the planning area. The county will direct development away from naturally hazardous sites or, where feasible, require site planning or construction techniques that mitigate the hazard.
   (B)   The following regulatory strategies may be used to implement this policy.
      (1)   Culinary or domestic water resources may be conserved by a county wide or development wide water distribution management system. Underground aquifers must be protected from depletion and contamination.
      (2)   The county will use its Development Code to protect surface water resources. Stream corridor protection will be addressed in the Development Code. The county will adopt Development Code standards that require or encourage water quality protection, runoff, and erosion control, wetlands protection, and development setbacks along stream beds and lake or reservoir shores.
      (3)   The county will use its Development Code to direct development away from flood hazard areas and steep slopes. The code will also require or encourage development and construction techniques that mitigate such natural hazards as accelerated soil erosion, flooding, slope failure, and wildfire.
      (4)   Rural developments in the county are vulnerable to destruction by wildfire. In these areas, the county will use its Development Code to encourage fire controlling lot planning and encourage the provision of a water supply adequate for firefighting. Protection of existing forest and other vegetation will be accomplished through the designation of open space or preservation areas where development is conducted.
      (5)   Development should be encouraged that is sensitive to the needs of wildlife. Note that habitat protection is also one objective of the wetlands and stream corridor protection strategies. Wildlife habitat maps have been prepared to aid in implementation of this strategy.
      (6)   The county will use its Development Code to encourage development that protects scenic views.
(Ord. 2007-8-13B, passed 8-13-2007; Ord. 2022-2-28, passed 2-28-2022)