(A)   The plan is a general statement of goals and policies relating to development of the community. The plan is long range and encompasses all aspects of development and its impact on the citizens of the community and its environment. Development policies are the basis of the plan and they will address natural resources, water conservation, housing and development, wildlife, recreation, industry, and land use. All policies, regulations, and standards as designated by the community will be in compliance with state and federal law.
   (B)   Future land uses are not precisely located with respect to individual properties or areas as would be the case in a zoning map. This is necessary to allow latitude in making specific day-to-day decisions which are necessary for plan implementation. It is impossible to determine the location of all land uses in advance of need and development. Development policies facilitate the implementation of the plan.
   (C)   Growth rate cannot be accurately predicted but will be governed by employment opportunities, availability of resources such as water, capacity of current infrastructure, and density as dictated by statute and Health and Sanitary Code.
   (D)   The plan must be continually re-evaluated against the concepts and goals of the community, and thus implement the achievement of those goals.
(Ord. 2007-8-13B, passed 8-13-2007; Ord. 2022-2-28, passed 2-28-2022)