The types of signs that are permitted are defined below.
   CANOPY SIGN. A sign applied to or painted upon a canopy as described in § 153.274. Such sign shall be an integral part of the canopy and have no relief. An awning will be considered a CANOPY SIGN.
   FREE-STANDING SIGN. A sign which is supported by one or more columns, uprights, poles, or braces extended from the ground or from an object on the ground, and is permanent in nature.
   IDENTIFICATION SIGN. A sign displayed to indicate the name or nature of buildings or uses, other than commercial or industrial uses, located upon the same premises as the sign (i.e., schools, hospitals, churches, and the like).
   JOINT IDENTIFICATION SIGN. A sign which serves a common or collective identification for two or more businesses or industrial uses on the same lot.
   MONUMENT SIGN. A sign which is supported by its own foundation and internal support system independent of any other structure.
   NAME PLATE AND BORNE OCCUPATION SIGN. A sign indicating the name and occupation of a person or persons residing on the same premises or legally occupying the same premises, or indicating a home occupation legally existing on the premises of the sign. The sign must be attached to the building.
   OFF-PREMISES SIGN. Any off-premises sign which advertises or directs attention to a business, commodity, service, or activity conducted, sold, or offered elsewhere than on the same lot or within the same building upon which sign is erected or displayed. The sign will not exceed 72 square feet, may not be illuminated, and must be located on the property of an existing commercial business, with no more than one OFF-PREMISES SIGN allowed per commercial business. OFF-PREMISES SIGNS shall not be allowed when the commercial business where the off-premises sign is located ceases its business activities for a period of six months. On scenic and/or historic byways, off premises signs are prohibited in any established city impact area. There shall also be a 1,000-foot distance between any two OFF- PREMISES SIGNS.
   PROJECTING SIGN. A sign attached to a building or extending in whole or part, 12 inches or more horizontally beyond the surface of the building to which the sign is attached. Support structure must be perpendicular to surface of the building.
   ROOF SIGN. A sign painted on the roof of a building, or a sign supported by poles, uprights, or braces attached to the roof of a building. No part of the sign may extend vertically above the highest portion of the roof and the sign erected upon or against the side of the roof must have a 45 degree angle, or less, from the vertical.
   TIME-TEMPERATURE-DATE SIGN. A sign which displays the current time, outdoor temperature, and/or date of the month. See ELECTRONIC MESSAGE SIGN.
   WALL SIGN. A sign painted on a wall or displayed upon or against the wall of an enclosed building, where the exposed face of the sign is in a place parallel to the plane of said wall and extends not more than 12 inches horizontally from the face of said wall.
   WINDOW SIGN. A sign which is painted on, applied or attached to, or located within three feet of, the interior of a window; which sign can be seen through the window from the exterior of the structure. Merchandise which is included in a window display shall not be included as part of a WINDOW SIGN.
(Ord. 2006-3, passed 5-8-2006)