§ 153.197 SAFE ACCESS.
   (A)    Points of access to county roads shall be sited and constructed with prior notice and approval of the County Road and Bridge Department. Developments with points of access to a state or federal highway shall obtain approval for those points of access from the state’s Transportation Department.
   (B)   All subdivisions are encouraged to minimize the number of points of access to public roads and highways. -2/+1 (5).
   (C)   The total length of dead-end roads in residential subdivisions shall be based upon the number of lots accessed by the dead-end road. All dead-end roads shall provide a turnaround with a minimum traveled surface of 90 feet in diameter at the end of the road. The maximum number of lots shall be 20, unless the following requirements are met:
      (1)   There must be at least one turnout or turnaround for every 1,000 linear feet of road; and
      (2)   The road may loop back upon itself as long as the return loop intersects the dead- end road within 500 linear feet of the intersection of the existing public road. If a satisfactory loop system is used, the maximum number of lots is 30.
   (D)   See Appendix E.
(Ord. 2007-8-13, passed 3-11-2019; Am. 2-28-2022; Ord. passed 2-12-2024)