(A)   All developments, including or adjoining irrigated lands, or including or adjoining any irrigation works (diversions, head gates, canals, pumps, drains, and the like), shall be reviewed by the responsible irrigation entity.
   (B)   No development shall be permitted to adversely impact the operation of any irrigation system and all developments shall comply with the specific standards established herein.
      (1)   All subdivisions shall demonstrate compliance with Idaho Code § 31-3805, as amended. Compliance shall be obtained by the transfer of water rights or the installation of a central irrigation system maintained by a community association.
      (2)   No development shall channel storm water or snow melt runoff into any irrigation system without written consent of the responsible irrigation entity.
(Ord. 2007-8-13, passed 3-11-2019 ; Am. 2-28-2022)