All developments that are in or adjacent to forested areas or areas of flammable brushy vegetation shall be encouraged to:
   (A)   For individual structures, including all single-family dwellings: provide a fire defensible space of at least 30 feet around the home or structure. -2/+2 (3). A defensible space is one in which trees are thinned so that crowns do not overlap or touch, woody brush is removed or substantially thinned, and dead fuel is removed. Maintenance of the defensible spaces is a requirement for continuing compliance with this chapter; and
   (B)   For subdivisions: thin or remove woody brush and remove dead fuel from high danger areas, and provide appropriate perimeter and, in larger developments, internal fuel breaks. -2/+2 (3). A fuel break is a strategically located strip of land in which trees and woody brush have been thinned and fuel removed to create an open “park-like” appearance. Fuel breaks either include roads or are accessible to firefighting apparatus. Fuel breaks are generally at least 50 feet in width.
(Ord. 2007-8-13, passed 3-11-2019; Am. 2-28-2022)