§ 153.070 GENERALLY.
   This procedure shall be followed in all public hearings before the Commission or Board.
   (A)   The presiding officer shall announce the purpose and subject of the hearing.
   (B)   The presiding officer shall determine whether proper notice of the hearing has been provided. If proper notice has not been provided, the hearing shall be rescheduled.
   (C)   The presiding officer shall ask if any Commission/Board member wishes to declare a conflict of interest, as defined by Idaho Code § 67-6506, in the matter to be heard and excuse any member who declares such a conflict from participation in the hearing.
   (D)   The presiding office shall ask the Planning and Zoning Administrator to present the proposal being considered.
   (E)   The presiding officer shall direct questions from Commission/Board members. Questions asked at this time shall be solely for the purpose of clarifying the location and nature of the proposed development.
   (F)   The presiding officer shall remind those present that all statements given must address the merits of the proposal as measured by its compliance or lack of compliance with the comprehensive plan and this Development Code.
   (G)   The presiding officer shall ask for a statement from the applicant or his or her representative. Commission/Board members may ask questions following this statement.
   (H)   Following the applicant’s statement, the presiding officer shall ask for statements from the public. Persons giving statements shall begin by stating their name and mailing address. Commission/Board members may ask questions following any statement.
   (I)   When all statements have been given, the presiding officer shall ask if any person who gave a statement wishes to speak in rebuttal to other statements or to clarify their statement. Neither new statements nor the introduction of new evidence shall be permitted at this time. Questions from Commission/Board members may follow each rebuttal or clarification.
   (J)   The presiding officer shall close the public hearing and call for discussion by the Commission/Board, resulting in action, as provided by this chapter.
   (K)   Written statements, plans, drawings, photographs, or other materials offered in support of statements at a hearing are part of that hearing’s record and shall be retained by the county.
   (L)   The Commission/Board may impose time limits on the statements given in order to assure completion of its agenda.
   (M)   The Commission/Board may require persons who wish to make a statement to register their intention to do so with the Commission before the hearing. The presiding officer shall use the register to call on persons to present their statements.
(Ord. 2007-8-13, passed 3-11-2019 ; Am. 2-28-2022)