(A)   The purpose of the Class II and Class III permit procedure is to assure effective regulation of developments that may have significant impacts on public facilities, environmental quality, or neighboring uses.
   (B)   The procedure shall be as follows.
      (1)   The developer may file a request for sketch plan review with the Planning and Zoning Administrator.
         (a)   The PZA shall place the sketch plan on the agenda of the next regular Commission meeting.
         (b)   The Commission shall conduct a sketch plan review. A sketch plan review is not a regulatory proceeding, but an opportunity for the Commission to be made aware of the proposal and for the developer to be made aware of possible questions and the applicable requirements of this chapter.
      (2)   The developer shall file a properly completed permit application form, including eight, 11-inch by 17-inch copies and one digital copy of the plat/plan, the required supporting materials, and the required application fee with the PZA at least 14 days prior to the Commission meeting at which the application can be reviewed.
      (3)   The PZA shall review the application, performing a preliminary assessment as to whether or not the application is in compliance with the comprehensive plan and this Development Code. The PZA shall communicate to the applicant the findings of the preliminary assessment.
      (4)   No application shall be reviewed if the applicant or a representative is not present.
      (5)   The Commission shall determine whether or not the proposed development is in compliance with the comprehensive plan and all requirements of this chapter. If the proposed development complies with all applicable absolute standards of this chapter and has a cumulative score of zero or greater, on the relative standards of this chapter, the application for a permit shall be approved. If the proposed development fails to comply with any applicable absolute standard of this chapter or has a negative cumulative score on the relative standards of this chapter, the application for a permit shall be disapproved. Conditions may be attached to the approval of any permit.
      (6)   If the application is denied by the Commission, the reasons for such denial shall be in writing, stating the specific sections of this Development Code that were not met. A copy of the written denial shall be transmitted to the Board of County Commissioners, together with any supporting documentation used by the P&Z Commission.
      (7)   The Commissions decision may be appealed to the Board using the appeals procedure. A notice of any such appeal shall be filed with the Commission and the Board of County Commissioners within 45 days after notice of the decision has been issued.
(Ord. 2007-8-13, passed 3-11-2019; Am. 2-28-2022)