(A)    Exemption of a land division does not exempt development of the parcel created from compliance with this chapter. None of the listed exemptions shall be used to circumvent Class I, Class II or Class III permit requirements.
   (B)   No permit shall be required for:
      (1)   Any land allocation in the settlement of an estate of a decedent or a court decree for the distribution of specific parcels of property;
      (2)   Any land division that results from a condemnation proceeding or the voluntary sale or gift of land for a public purpose;
      (3)   Any land division in which a parcel of 40 acres or larger. Further divisions of these exempt parcels will require either a Class I, Class II, or Class III based from the original parcel;
      (4)   The adjustment of property lines in which no new parcel is created and no nonconforming lot, parcel, or use results. Plat amendments require a Class I permit;
      (5)   The division of any original parcel into not more than two parcels, provided that each parcel resulting from such division shall front upon a public or private road, or shall have a recorded access of not less than 30 feet in width;
      (6)   The conveyance of land which does not result in a change of the present land usage;
      (7)   Any parcel of land, six acres or less in size that is isolated or separated within an original parcel by county or state roadways, drainage ditches, irrigation canals, railroad rights-of-way, or natural land formations. Further divisions of these exempt parcels will require either a Class I, Class II, or Class III permit. The intent of this exemption is to allow development of small parcels of non-productive isolated land thereby encouraging development away from productive agricultural land; or
      (8)   A division of land for mortgage purposes only. Any additional parcel resulting from this type of division shall not be valid for issuance of a building permit for a dwelling. On the record of survey, these words shall appear: “This land division is for mortgage purposes only, a building permit shall only be issued upon compliance with the Franklin County Development Code”.
(Ord. 2007-8-13, passed 3-11-2019; Am. 2-28-2022)