§ 150.065 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The purpose of this subchapter is to establish an Area of City Impact for the City of Preston, Idaho (city) within the unincorporated area of Franklin County, Idaho (County).
   (B)   The adoption of this subchapter for the Area of City Impact shall:
      (1)   Ensure that development in the Area of City Impact has no unreasonably adverse impact on the city’s municipal water supply;
      (2)   Ensure that development in the Area of City Impact has no unreasonably adverse impact on or unduly increases the potential for flooding, contamination of groundwater, surface water, fish and wildlife habitat, and protects spring sources, wellhead, and watershed protection areas;
      (3)   Ensure that development in the Area of City Impact has no unreasonably adverse impact on land use areas within the city;
      (4)   Ensure that development in the Area of City Impact has no unreasonably adverse impact on residents of the city or the county by generating demands for new and improved publicly-funded facilities in the Area of City Impact;
      (5)   Ensure that development in the Area of City Impact has no unreasonably adverse impact by increasing traffic routed through the city or county, thereby unduly impacting residents’ enjoyment of their homes, or creating safety hazards, or necessitating major street improvements at public expense;
      (6)   Take into full consideration trade areas of the city, geographic factors, and areas that can reasonably be expected to be annexed in to the city in the future;
      (7)   Ensure the rights of county residents to make reasonable use of their property; and
      (8)   All items are for comment only whether it pertains to the city or the county.
(Ord. 2017-2-13, passed 2-27-2017)