For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ANIMAL. Includes, but not be limited to, birds, fishes, reptiles, and nonhuman mammals.
   BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. The Franklin County Board of County Commissioners.
   COUNTY. The County of Franklin.
   DANGEROUS ANIMAL. Any animal or a species or type likely to cause injury to a person, or any animal which has demonstrated a propensity to attack or cause injury to a person.
   DEPARTMENT. The Franklin County Sheriff’s Department, its agents or deputies.
   EXOTIC OR WILD ANIMAL. Any animal not native within the geographic bounds of the State of Idaho and weighing more than 15 pounds when fully mature. EXOTIC ANIMAL does not include any animal commonly accepted as domestic in the United States.
   WILD ANIMAL. Any animal native to the State of Idaho and regulated by the Department of Fish and Game pursuant to the authority of Idaho Code, Title 36, or any animal which is not normally domesticated in the United States, including, but not limited to, any lion, tiger, bear, nonhuman primate (monkey, chimpanzee, and the like), wolf, cougar, ocelot, skunk, raccoon, ferret, venomous reptile, boa, python, anaconda, members of the Order Crocadilia, or hybrid or crosses thereof, or other such animal (ferae naturae) irrespective of its actual or asserted state of docility, tameness, or domesticity.
(Ord. 1995-4, passed 11-27-1995)