For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   APPROPRIATELY VACCINATED ANIMAL. A domestic animal or livestock will be considered appropriately vaccinated for the purposes of rabies control when the owner has documented that the animal:
      (1)   Is older than three months;
      (2)   Has been vaccinated by a licensed veterinarian with a rabies vaccine approved by the USDA for use in that species;
      (3)   Has received the appropriate number of vaccinations for its age as specified in the CARC; and
      (4)   Has received its last vaccination more than 30 days prior.
   COMPENDIUM OF ANIMAL RABIES CONTROL (CARC). The compendium is updated annually by the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and is the definitive national authority on animal rabies control issues.
   CONTACT or BITE. Refers to a bite, scratch, or exposure to body fluids from a rabies susceptible animal. The actual witnessing of a BITE or ATTACK by a potentially rabid animal is not required for an exposure to have occurred. This latter situation is of most concern with bats.
   DOMESTIC ANIMAL. A dog, cat, or ferret.
   LIVESTOCK. Cattle, swine, horses, mules, asses, and native and non-native domestic ungulates.
   PROVOKED ATTACK. An attack is considered “provoked” if an animal is placed in a situation such that an expected reaction would be to bite or attack. This would include, but not be limited to, invasion of an animal’s territory, attempting to pet or handle an unfamiliar animal, startling an animal, assisting an injured or sick animal, trying to capture an animal or removing food, water, or other objects in the animal’s possession.
   QUARANTINE. Refers to animals intended to prevent exposure of an animal to members of the public or other animals. QUARANTINE must take place in a cage or other suitable facility and requires the involvement of a licensed veterinarian and inspection of the facility. Two levels of QUARANTINE are defined, impoundment and strict isolation. Careful attention should be paid to these terms and their use in this document.
      (1)   IMPOUNDMENT. Refers to the isolation of animal within a facility such as a veterinary clinic, animal control facility, commercial boarding establishment, or other establishment under the direct supervision of a veterinarian. IMPOUNDMENT does not take place at an owner’s home or premises.
      (2)   STRICT ISOLATION. Refers to the isolation of animal within a facility such as a veterinary clinic, animal control facility, commercial boarding establishment, the owner’s home, or other premises that ensures no contact with the public or other animals can occur. STRICT ISOLATION may occur at the owner’s home or premises.
   RABIES EXPOSURE. “Rabies is transmitted only when the virus is introduced into bite wounds, open cuts in skin, or onto mucous membranes. Because rabies virus is found in concentrations sufficient for infection only in the saliva, salivary glands, and central nervous system tissue of rabid animals, contamination from other organs and body fluids is usually not considered a risk for rabies transmission.” As written in the new recommendations on human rabies prevention from the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (ACIP) of the Public Health Service (MMWR: Jan. 8, 1999/Vol 48/No. RR.-1), Special consideration taken with bat exposures. (New definition recommended by the “compendium”.)
   RABIES SUSCEPTIBLE ANIMAL. All warm blooded animals. Reptiles, birds, amphibians, insects, and arachnids are not considered rabies susceptible species.
   UNDER OWNER’S CONTROL. Refers to the isolation of an animal, at the owner’s premises, that ensures no exposure to the public or other animals will occur.
   UNPROVOKED ATTACK. An unprovoked attack or bite occurs when an animal strikes for no apparent reason. The behavior should be unusual for the particular animal or species. A confirmation of chronic aggressive behavior would reduce the likelihood that a bite is UNPROVOKED.
   USDA. United States Department of Agriculture.
   WILD ANIMAL. All other animals. For wolf hybrid concerns refer to the most recent CARC.
(Ord. passed 12-10-2001)